Machine Learning Use Cases

Algorithm Use cases
Linear regression Predicting house prices, predicting sales numbers, forecasting demand
Logistic regression Predicting whether a customer will click on an ad, predicting whether a patient has a disease, predicting customer churn
Decision tree Classifying spam emails, predicting loan defaults, predicting medical diagnoses
Random forest Classifying images, predicting fraud, recommending products
Support vector machine (SVM) Classifying text documents, detecting cancer cells in medical images, face recognition
Naive Bayes Classifying spam emails, predicting sentiment of product reviews, filtering spam messages
K-nearest neighbors (KNN) Classifying images, recommending products, predicting customer churn
K-means clustering Segmenting customers, identifying groups of similar products, detecting fraud
Q-learning Training robots to walk and navigate, training game-playing agents, training agents to control complex systems
Neural networks Image classification, object detection, natural language processing, machine translation

Here are some specific examples:

  • Linear regression: Zillow uses linear regression to predict house prices.
  • Logistic regression: Credit card companies use logistic regression to predict fraud.
  • Decision tree: Medical researchers use decision trees to predict patient outcomes.
  • Random forest: Amazon uses random forests to recommend products to customers.
  • Support vector machine (SVM): Google uses SVMs to filter spam messages.
  • Naive Bayes: Spam filters use Naive Bayes to classify emails as spam or not spam.
  • K-nearest neighbors (KNN): Netflix uses KNN to recommend movies and TV shows to users.
  • K-means clustering: Marketers use K-means clustering to segment customers into different groups.
  • Q-learning: AlphaZero, a game-playing AI developed by DeepMind, uses Q-learning to learn how to play chess, Go, and shogi.
  • Neural networks: Tesla uses neural networks to power its self-driving car technology.
  • Natural language processing: Google Translate uses neural networks to translate text from one language to another.