Popular ML Models

Machine learning models and architectures have been extensively researched, and many of these models have been open-sourced by researchers, making them available for public use. They can typically be accessed via platforms such as TensorFlow Hub, PyTorch Hub, or the Hugging Face Model Hub. Here's a categorization based on their application:

  1. Image Classification:
    • VGG (VGG16, VGG19): Developed by the Visual Graphics Group for image recognition.
    • ResNet: Includes ResNet50, ResNet101, etc., designed to counteract the problem of deep networks by introducing skip connections.
    • InceptionV3: Known for its computational efficiency.
    • MobileNet: Efficient for mobile vision applications.
  2. Object Detection:
    • YOLO (You Only Look Once): Real-time object detection.
    • SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector): Offers a balance between speed and accuracy.
    • Faster R-CNN: Uses Region Proposal Networks (RPN) for object detection.
  3. Natural Language Processing:
    • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): For tasks like question answering and sentiment analysis.
    • GPT-2 and GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): Language models known for generating coherent paragraphs of text.
    • Transformer: The underlying architecture for models like BERT and GPT.
    • RoBERTa: A modified BERT model with different pre-training data and strategy.
  4. Generative Models:
    • GAN (Generative Adversarial Network): For generating new data samples.
    • DCGAN (Deep Convolutional GAN): A GAN variant using convolutional networks.
    • CycleGAN: For tasks like image-to-image translation without paired data.
  5. Audio and Speech:
    • WaveNet: Generates raw audio waveforms, used for tasks like speech synthesis.
    • DeepSpeech: By Mozilla, for speech-to-text conversion.
  6. Transfer Learning:
    • ULMFiT (Universal Language Model Fine-tuning): For transferring pre-trained language models to custom tasks.
    • T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer): Views every NLP problem as a text-to-text problem.
  7. Tabular Data:
    • CatBoost: Specialized in handling categorical variables.
    • LightGBM: Gradient boosting framework that uses tree-based algorithms.
    • XGBoost: An optimized gradient boosting library.
  8. Reinforcement Learning:
    • DQN (Deep Q-Network): Combines Q-learning with deep neural networks.
    • PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization): Makes minor updates to the policy that's being used to select actions, enhancing stability.
  9. Anomaly Detection:
    • Isolation Forest: Uses tree structures for anomaly scoring.
    • AutoEncoder: Neural networks useful for anomaly detection in high-dimensional datasets.
  10. Time Series:

·         Prophet: Developed by Facebook for forecasting time series data.

·         LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory): Recurrent Neural Network architecture suitable for time series predictions.

  1. Text Generation:

·         XLNet: Uses a permutation-based training approach for generating coherent text.

·         Transformer-XL (Transformer with extra-long context): Handles longer context than traditional transformers.

  1. Face Recognition:

·         FaceNet: Embeds faces into a compact space using triplets.

·         ArcFace: Enhances the discriminative power of face embeddings.

  1. Image Segmentation:

·         U-Net: A convolutional neural network for biomedical image segmentation.

·         Mask R-CNN: Extends Faster R-CNN to generate segmentation masks.

  1. Style Transfer:

·         Neural Style Transfer (NST): Uses deep learning to superimpose art styles onto images.

·         CycleGAN: Translates styles between unpaired image datasets.

  1. Video Analysis:

·         3D-CNN (Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks): Extends the 2D CNN to handle video data.

·         I3D (Inflated 3D ConvNet): Adapts 2D ConvNets to 3D for video classification.

  1. Drug Discovery and Healthcare:

·         DeepChem: Deep learning for drug discovery.

·         MoleculeNet: Benchmark for molecular machine learning.

  1. Translation and Language Models:

·         OpenNMT: Neural machine translation framework.

·         Marian NMT: Fast neural machine translation in C++.

  1. Graph-based Models:

·         GCN (Graph Convolutional Network): Applies convolutions directly on graph-structured data.

·         GAT (Graph Attention Network): Uses attention mechanisms for graph-based data.

  1. Recommender Systems:

·         Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF): Combines traditional collaborative filtering with neural networks.

·         Matrix Factorization: A technique for user-item recommendation.

  1. Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning:

·         Siamese Networks: Uses twin networks to measure similarity.

·         Matching Networks: Designed for one-shot learning tasks.

·         ZSL (Zero-Shot Learning): Models that classify objects seen during training into new unseen classes.